PDS – Main Section

This Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) is a summary of significant information about the Main Section of the Fund and contains a number of references to other important information.

This important information can be found in the Additional Member Information Booklet and the Insurance Booklet. These two documents form part of the Product Disclosure Statement.

You should consider the ‘PDS Updates’ section below for any changes that impact the information in this PDS.

Product Disclosure Statement – 1 July 2024

Additional Member Information Booklet – 1 July 2024

Insurance Booklet

Membership Application form

Transfer other Super accounts into MIESF form

PDS – Pension section

You should consider the ‘PDS Updates’ section below for any changes that impact the information in this PDS.

Product Disclosure Statement
Pension section members – 1 July 2024

Target Market Determinations

For the MIESF Pension

For the MIESF Choice Accumulation Product

PDS Updates

No updates at the current time.