Trustee Board
The Meat Industry Employees’ Superannuation Fund is run by the Trustee, which is a company (Meat Industry Employees’ Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd). Its Articles of Association were most recently approved by the Trustee in June 2003.
The Board appoints directors nominated by the AMIEU on behalf of members together with representatives of participating employers in equal numbers with a maximum of 14 in accordance with its Board Renewal Policy. The Directors’ Qualifications and Experience are shown here along with information about their attendance at Board meetings for the last seven financial years. The Remuneration Disclosures for the Directors and Executive Officers are shown here.
MIESF senior management has day-to-day responsibility for the running of the Fund in accordance with various legislation. The Senior Managers’ Qualifications are shown here.
Trust Deed
The MIESF Trust Deed sets out the governing rules of the Fund.
The Trustee is Licensed to Operate
The Trustee is registered and licenced under a number of superannuation laws and regulations:
- Australian Financial Services License – AFSL 239953
- Registerable Superannuation Entity – RSE L0001434
- Australian Business Number (ABN) 58 005 793 199
- MySuper Authorised – 17317520544110
- The Fund’s Australian Business Number (ABN) is 17 317 520 544
- The Fund’s RSE Registration Number – R1004946
Service Providers
The Trustee has identified the following service providers that provide services which may affect a material business activity of the Trustee:
- TAL Life Limited | ABN: 70 050 109 450 | Insurer
- Antipodean Capital | ABN: 50 116 185 132 | Investment Advisor
- Hyperion Asset Management Limited | ABN: 80 080 135 897 | Investment Management
- Citigroup Pty Ltd | ABN: 88 004 325 080 | Investment Custodian
- Ernst & Young | ABN: 75 288 172 749 | Internal Auditor
- PwC | ABN: 52 780 433 757 | External Auditor
- SuperChoice Services Pty Ltd | ABN: 78 109 509 739 | Rollover Gateway Provider
Registers of Relevant Duties & Interests
The Trustee maintains a Register of Relevant Duties and a Register of Relevant Interests in accordance with its Conflicts Management Policy.
Proxy Voting
The Trustee has a Proxy Voting Policy and a summary of how the Trustee has exercised its voting rights in relation to shares in listed companies is shown here.
Financial Statements
The Financial Statements of the Trustee company as at 30 June 2023 are shown here.
A summary of the Fund’s financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2023 is shown here.
Your Privacy in the Fund
In order to provide you with superannuation benefits and to properly manage the Fund, your Fund holds personal information about you that identifies you as a member (e.g. your name, address, date of birth, gender, occupation, salary, and tax file number).
The Fund generally collects this information either from you or your Employer and uses it to manage your superannuation account and benefits. Your personal information may be disclosed to the Fund’s professional advisers, insurers, government bodies, your Employer and other parties as required, including the trustee of any other fund you may transfer to. By becoming a member of the Fund, it is assumed that you consent to this handling of your personal information. If you do not provide the Fund with your personal information, the Fund may not be able to provide your superannuation benefit.
You can access your personal information held by the Fund. Should any of your personal information be incorrect, you have the opportunity to correct it. There are, however, some rare circumstances where you may be denied access to your information. The Fund’s Privacy Officer will advise if any of these circumstances apply.
The Fund abides by the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and has adopted a Privacy Policy which sets out in more detail the way in which it handles members’ personal information. If you would like a copy of the Fund’s Privacy Policy please contact the Fund’s Privacy Officer, on 1800 252 099.